Aloha! :)
Sitting in the airport at LAX waiting for a teammate to show up, (at least I was when I started this!) and I thought I'd share some of the stories that even got me to this point in this journey.
This process started almost 3 years ago, and I have emails to prove it! :)
When I first started looking at YWAM and a photography program put together, I found their Germany program, which immediately peaked my interest. As I looked more intently at the program and got more serious about it I began the application process there was absolutely no peace over the process, lots of anxiety.
Over the course of two other friends YWAM adventures, I heard about PhotogenX.
One friend's mom told me about a program with YWAM where I could go in travel the world, do ministry, AND get a school degree?! Heck yes. Sign me up. But I never picked up the name of the program. Another friend went and in the course of her venture she crossed paths with a guy who was a part of the PhotogenX program. Turns out that it was the same program. Immediately began the research anew with a name for what I was actually looking at.
Multiple emails went out. Connections were made. And here I am 3 years later.
I had dawdled in the application process for this program. Probably took me a good 9 months to fill it out. Last May my mom gave me the final kick in the butt to submit the application. So I did. I was told that I would hear back on my application within 2 weeks. It took 3.
And at that point I was sure they had denied me access to the program of my dreams! But with a little bit of hope, I called the school saying "Hi, my name is Jillian. I applied for PhotogenX in April 2011, I submitted my application 3 weeks ago. I was told I would hear back in 2 weeks, and it is now week 3. Did you guys receive all the parts of my application?" They searched the computer, found me and told me that my application was still in the prayer process, but I should hear from them soon.
Four hours later I had an email accepting me to the program.
I bought a journal within the week. One of the first things that the Lord told me was that He would provide everything I asked. And He did.
Reading back in my journal now, I asked the Lord to give me $12,000 for this trip. The school only asks for 10,000 over the course of 6 months, but this did not include airfare needed to get there, additional supplies, etc. He did that.
I had also asked the Lord to provide the finances for my to be able to pay off my car, which at the time I got accepted I needed about 4,500-5,000 to do that. He has provided that need, and within the next two weeks I will have a car back on the mainland that is completely paid off! This is cool for several reasons! 1. When I purchased the car I signed a 5-year note to pay it off, and in the next two week, I will have paid it off in 1.75 years of that 5 years! 2. I asked Him to basically drop 3,000 dollars in my lap to pay it off and He did!
It's crazy that I'm here, it hasn't fully sunk in. I am SO incredibly expectant for what the Lord has for me in this time. Orientation was yesterday and I have SUCH a hunger for Him, a hunger for His words, a Hunger for His presence, and I am quite possibly in the most magical place to see all of this come to fruition.
Last night was a campus wide Luau. Represented there were 39 different nations. We watched Island Breeze perform, it was really cool! Then, oh then, we worshipped together as ohana, as family, and again I cannot even begin to tell you of the things the Lord is already doing, in me and in my teammates!
Please continue to pray for my team! Pray for health, several of us walked into this sick, pray strength physically, mentally, spiritually, pray for us to continue to come to Him with a hunger to see our hearts changed, and in the end change the world because of it! Mahalo!
Jillian!! Loved reading how your journey began!!! God is up to some PRECIOUS things!!! So excited for you!! Prayed for you this morning!!! (Am loving the pics you've posted so far too...what a beautiful place for a photographer to land!) Bless ya!
God is up to something!! :) May you always continue to be amazed by his greatness and look forward to reading more of your blogs.
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