Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Baby Steps.

I'm really excited! I took my first piano lesson EVER on Monday, January 19 2009. I'm 20.5 years old and am just now taking baby steps to do something I love, or should I say, long to love. 
One of my loves in life is to use my hands. I used my hands to take photos, I use them to write and type and love and be loved. And now I get to use them to make beautiful music. While I would more than love the 1 in 1,000,000 chance that I could be a prodigy and just sit down at the piano keys and just know how to play, and not just know, but feel, and be able to to play a beautiful lullaby, or sit down and write a symphony detailing the story of two lovers, I can tell you now that that didn't happen. 
I've sat down and "tickled the ivories" for years, but it was more like poking. There was no beautiful melody leaking from my hands onto the keys, it was plinking out a tuneless melody, and that is the only thing it would ever be, until I took the initiative to learn it properly. 
My head always said, "You're too old to start taking piano lessons now, why bother?" and for a while I let myself believe that, all the while plinking a melody that made no sense. I thought about it and prayed about it and heard the Lord say, "Baby Steps." In an instance I knew He was right. (isn't He always). Baby steps, one foot in front of the other, one lesson at a time, one week at a time, and countless hours of practice, but a baby doesn't always stay a baby, with time, they grow. And baby steps become toddlers steps, that become kid steps, that become preteen steps, that become teenage steps, that become adult steps. 
No matter what you do, you almost always start with baby steps. I'm looking forward to the journey, the music, and the love that I know these steps will bring me. 

peace to you

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